A prayer triplet is three women praying together for three months and experiencing powerful prayer.

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How do I form a prayer triplet?

1) Begin with prayer, asking God to help you choose two other women. It’s important that all three women in the prayer triplet believe in Jesus Christ and are true Christ followers. This creates vital spiritual unity.

2) Ask two other women to join, referring them to our Pray3.org website for more info.

3) Download the Pray3 Guidebook, a three-month prayer guide for your group, organized by theme and week.

4) Decide on a day and time to meet.

5) Meet to pray!

Who is in a prayer triplet?

Three women, any age, either new or experienced at praying.

Who can start a prayer triplet?

The short answer: anyone!

Are you just starting to pray? Form a triplet and learn and grow in your prayer life.

Are you a seasoned pray-er with years of experience? Form a triplet and help, mentor, and encourage others in prayer.

What do we pray?

The Pray3 Model.

P = Praise God for who He is and thank Him for what He’s done.

R = Renew your soul through self-examination, confession, and receiving God’s forgiveness

A = Ask God to help or intervene in your life and others’ lives.

Y = Yield to God’s will, not your own.

3 = Pray for the salvation of three unbelieving family members or friends.

Our Pray3 Guidebook walks your triplet through three months of using this Pray3 prayer model in your weekly prayer gatherings. It includes prompts to direct you to focus in and frame your prayers around one unique aspect of God’s character (e.g. love, faithfulness, strength, etc.) for each of these prayer sections.


How long should we pray?

We suggest you allow 30 - 60 minutes to pray.

For whom do we pray?

It's important to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit who will direct your particular prayers during this time. Each week it will be different.

You can pray for a variety of topics or for a specific focus or mutual concern; i.e., prayer for family members, any personal needs, church leadership, outreach, etc.

We also encourage you to adopt a mission focus and pray for three unbelievers weekly.

Where do we meet?

Deciding where to meet is entirely up to your triplet and what works best for all of you. Consider one of these options:

  • In a home

  • In a church meeting room

  • On a walk together

  • Three-way phone call

  • Three-way video chat

How long does the prayer triplet last?

Commit to three months of weekly prayer. After that time you can decide to continue meeting for another three months, discontinue the triplet, or branch out to form three new triplets.

Are there any materials available?

Yes! We’ve developed the Pray3 Guidebook specifically for this purpose. It’s a three-month prayer guide for your triplet, based on our Pray3 prayer model.

In addition, check out our Prayer Resources for other prayer models you can use within your prayer triplet. We continue to add to this section, so check back periodically.

“We never cease to be amazed at our prayer triplet which we believe God ordained and orchestrated... We’re amazed at how God has worked in our hearts and changed us over the years.
— Marcia D. (10 years in a prayer triplet)

Move into deeper fellowship with God

Your commitment to pray weekly in a prayer triplet for three months is also the starting point of your personal prayer journey, one that promises deeper fellowship with God, spiritual growth, and life renewal.

Our prayer is that the Lord encourages, strengthens, and empowers you during your prayer journey as He “works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

Here’s how this works…

Before you meet with your triplet, you’ll take 15 minutes to reflect on the following questions:

  • Where do you want to see your faith stretch and grow in the next three months?

  • What three burdens are most on your heart to pray about?

  • How would you like to spiritually encourage your two triplet friends in the coming weeks?

  • Who are you praying for to know and receive God’s gift of salvation?

  • Would you like to pray with more______?

Then at the end of each prayer session with your prayer triplet, you’ll take a few minutes to reflect on these three questions:

  • Because God is ____, I can trust Him to ____.

  • What impressions do I feel the Holy Spirit prompting in me?

  • Am I praying with more ____? If so, in what way?



We’d love to know if you’re in a prayer triplet

We’re trying to get a count of how many groups of women are praying in prayer triplets across the country.


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