encourages and equips women to pray together and experience powerful and effective prayer. was launched in 2019 out of a desire to encourage and equip women to pray. Pray3 stands for three women, on three personal prayer journeys, praying together in a prayer triplet for three months. Pray3 is also a prayer model for a triplet to use during their prayer time together.


Fran Dwelle, Founder of

Fran Dwelle has experienced the power of prayer as a mother and grandma, missionary, pastor’s wife, ministry founder and leader, and heart-transplant recipient. She’s also been active in various prayer triplets for more than 15 years. Desiring to help women experience the joy and power of praying together, she launched in 2019.


Fran Dwelle has been engaged in Christian service for many years in Europe and the US as a teacher, mentor, and leader. She was active in the early gatherings of “Hope for Europe—Women in Leadership.”

In addition to her work with, she is the also the founder and president of JOY, an interdenominational ministry that encourages and equips women to live meaningful lives through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Her book

Failing Heart, Unfailing Hope is Fran’s story of her unforeseen journey from heart attack to healing — a journey of trusting God at every turn and a journey of finding healing where least expected.

Fran’s heart transplant journey was also a dramatic metaphor with a profound spiritual message for her. A few months after her heart transplant, she recognized that experience was reminiscent of what happens when we become followers of Jesus Christ.


Fran shares good times with her husband, three adult daughters, and their families. Her five granddaughters are her pride and joy. In her spare time, she enjoys playing piano, reading, having coffee with a friend, cooking Italian, baking cookies, or walking along the Missouri River.

She lives with her husband Arland in Bismarck, North Dakota. When asked how she endures the harsh winters, she says that good friends make up for the cold weather!

Life happens in community, and what better way to build community across the country and around the world than through social media. We hope you connect with us on Facebook and Instagram for inspiration and discussion around all things prayer!

We’d also love to see and hear about your experiences in your Prayer Triplets. So if you’re meeting and using the Pray3 Guidebook, please tag us on Facebook or on Instagram @pray3org — and use hashtag #pray3 so we can find you!


Contact Us

Have a testimony to share? An experience to report? A question to ask? Whatever it is, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.